Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Updated and More Reasons to lose Weight

  1. Make Chris Proud
  2. Make family proud
  3. Feel better in sleeveless or short sleeve top
  4. Look ok in swimwear
  5. Fit into designer clothing
  6. Look better in pictures
  7. Move attention from flab to figure
  8. Live healthier life
  9. Be able to run in a charity event.
  10. Wear a wider style range of clothing (not just what fits)
  11. Wear dresses/skirts with confidence
  12. Be able to swim in public and not care
  13. Reduce chances of getting bigger
  14. Not feel awkward when clothes shopping
  15. Increase chances of shops having your size in store
  16. Walk along a beach on holiday and feel proud of your body in swimwear
  17. Stop jiggling!
  18. Like your own reflection
  19. The smaller you are, the cheaper it is to get drunk lol
  20. Walk up hills and not want to sit down half way up it
  21. Sunbath in public
  22. Buy lingerie without getting weird looks
  23. When people start talking about weight loss, not to feel like they mean you
  24. Make friends/family pleased that you are doing something about your weight, not just talking about it
  25. Be happy to be photographed
  26. Wear a bra that actually fits
  27. Show off legs, not monstor ham thighs
  28. Don't fear onset of summer clothing
  29. Say weight out loud with pride
  30. Help other overweight people who are in the same situation you where
  31. Don't wonder if people are saying "Why is HE with HER?"
  32. Go out in public and not care what looks you get
  33. Wear a low cut sweater and show your collerbones
  34. Wear shorts in the summer
  35. Increase feelings of self worth

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